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Kérdés/Válasz : Adatbázis kezelés angol 1

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Pearl eyes from my own collection. Use at your own risk.  

Mirroring of disks increases reliability but uses _______% more disks.




Which option is not part of the Armstrong Inference rules?

Set rule


TRUE OR FALSE? A recovery manager is what takes control of the database system, after it recovers from a crash.



Consider a 1: N relationship:

Let S be the participating entity on the N side and T the other entity while S’ and T’ are the corresponding tables.

Which of the following is part of the approach to handling the 1: N relationship? Choose two answers:

Include the primary key of T’ as foreign key in S’

Include any simple attribute of 1: N relation type as attributes of S’


 In ____________ query language, query specification involves giving a step-by-step process of obtaining the query result.





 To reduce the input to the projection operand, the selection operation should be applied after the _______ operation.







Which of the following is an entity set whose members owe their existence to some entity in a strong entity set?


Weak entity


The type of data model that describes the logical representation of data without giving details of physical representation, is called the _________________ data model.




The index entry of a clustering index, is a distinct value of the ordering field and address of the ______ block, that has a record with the ordering field value.




TRUE OR FALSE? In the completeness of Armstrong’s Axioms, if a set of attributes F entails attribute X and determines attribute Y, then this implies X determines Y can't be derived from F.




How many aggregate functions are provided in SQL?



Match the correct index types and descriptions together:

Index built on non-ordering field of a file

   Secondary index

Index built on ordering key field of a file

   Primary index

Index built on ordering non-key field of a file

   Clustering index


 In general, if an entity, even though not of independent existence, participates in other relationships on its own, it is captured as a ________ entity.





Normal Forms are conditions that if satisfied by certain database design or schema, the database or schema will not have certain kinds of problem.



In the API based approach of accessing database, there are certain steps to accessing data from a host language program.

Select the data source

Load the appropriate driver dynamically

Establish the connection

Authenticate the client

Work with database

Close the connection


 In SQL, UNION, INTERSECTION and EXCEPT, operators are used and can perform union, intersection and ______________ respectively.





TRUE OR FALSE? Secondary indexes can’t be converted to multi-level indexes.




The high-level language in which a database application is developed is called the __________.


Host language


From the transaction processing system point of view, which of the following ACID properties is the most important?


Atomicity and Isolation


What special variable is used to determine if an SQL statement has executed successfully or not?




Lossless joins are also called ________ decomposition.

Non additive


TRUE OR FALSE? Queries with universally quantified predicates, can only be specified after translating them to use existential quantifiers.



 The integrity constraints in SQL, are also called the _______ constraints.





Which transaction isolation level guarantees that dirty reads, unrepeatable reads, and phantoms won’t arise?




TRUE OR FALSE? A multi-valued attribute can be directly stored as a value in a cell of a relational table.




Why are there no duplicate tuples in a relational instance?


Relational instance is defined as a set


 If a functional dependency X determines Y, where Y is a subset of X, it is called ___________ functional dependency.





What transaction operation is issued when a transaction has successfully completed its sequence of operations?




____________ are used, in order to capture the associated information for an entity.



In using a cross-product operator to retrieve data from a relational scheme, why is it necessary to rename attributes?

To help formulate the query    

To ensure that the cross product has distinct attribute names

To help understand the query     


A relation scheme R with respect to a set of functional dependencies, is said to

be in ________________, if every non-prime attribute is fully functionally dependent on any key of R.

Second normal form


The choice of algorithm for a join operation depends on which of the following?


Selectivity of the join condition !!!! ansver inkorr


TURE OR FALSE? The same attribute name is not allowed to occur twice in a relational scheme.


